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“You are a ray of hope”

So i would like to start out by saying Gods grace is enough…He is bigger than any storm we are facing rather it be Hurricane Sandy or not!! Its crazy how God uses tragic events in the way he does, He uses them to really all work out ok in the end!! it may not seem like it at times but really if you step back and think about it, it does.  When we were in Far Rockaway today we were getting a lot of mixed emotions but really all of them were all turning out for help… someone even at one point said our group was a "ray of hope". I would like to let everyone think about it this way.  We ourselves are not the ray of hope, but it"s God who reflects through us as the ray of hope… Its important as Christians that were are always at our best for Jesus, that we never let our shining exterior get dull, so that Gods beautiful reflection can reflect through us and others can really see how beautiful God"s grace is.  

Today as we lobbed sopping wet, sewage filled, heavy bags of insulation out of the watery, slimy, mess of a crawlspace i really reminded my self why i was there and it wasn"t for myself or for my glory but it was really to show the work and the "hands and feet" of Jesus… Any credit I am getting through this is not for myself but for Jesus… We have three days down and if it wasnt for my brothers and sister in Jesus i wouldnt be the man of God I am on this trip or even that I am today….This mission has really been life changing and has really shown me how gracious God has really been to me.  Anyone reading this i would like to ask you to pray for these precious people in New York that have been affected by this tragedy.  

Phillipians 1: 3-6