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On the subway we had to talk to random people which I was really nervous about, but it ended up being really cool even though the first person I talked didn’t speak English.  I also loved buying a homeless person…


My definition of New York: a million books to discover, with each chapter more intricate and compelling than the last. The people and the places all tell their own tale. Some whisper of aspirations and loves, while others whisper of…

Handball and Hot Dogs

Our team partnered with a tiny church in the Bronx called Mott Haven to reach out to the local community. Their Youth Minister, Ezzy, has a huge heart for building up some trust with the local kids and teens in…

The Power of Prayer

As Christians, we know that prayer can change everything. We have seen it and we believe it, so we get excited at the opportunity to pray with others and watch God work. Many times, though, He uses that prayer in…

A Day Without Rain

Jesus spoke to this participant on one of our trips this summer for New York. He always follows through on His word.  "I heard God say, 'I will provide.'  I then watched God do a miracle. We desperately needed a…

A Homeowners Story

June 16-21 2013 The mission trip that I went on was at Staten Island New York. The group I was with worked on a homeowners deck and her name was Frances. She has a nephew that is currently 2 years…