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Adventures in Missions

Adventures in Missions

Jerri’s Home (VIDEO)

In June of 2013 four different churches across the United States served with Adventures in Missions in New York City. Bethany Congregational Church served in the home of Jerri Lavari in Staten Island. Jerri’s home is one of one hundred thousand homes affected…

A Homeowners Story

June 16-21 2013 The mission trip that I went on was at Staten Island New York. The group I was with worked on a homeowners deck and her name was Frances. She has a nephew that is currently 2 years…

Displacement and Hope

What do you see in the picture above?  I see displacement. I see things that don't belong. Bricks, part of a road sign, other building materials, human trash…things that do have a right place and purpose, but it isn't here.…